sin mindfully.
This is the miracle of the fishes and loaves, that a crumb of bread
the hunger of many people.
wide open and always apparent. However, from this, the everyday side
When we do anything with aware
that these
gates will open. When
we are able to have many experiences
for but that ordinarily
experiences of the sacred,
abundance, gratitude, well being, and simple happiness. Eating
can be called sacred because it can become, through mindful eating, a
what else is happening in our busy lives, we have several chances
a day to enter a place of inquiry, a place of renewal, a place of simple
happiness. When we are able to find happiness in the most basic
of our lives breathing, walking, eating, drinking, and lying down
to sleep we discover an ancient secret, the secret of how to become
truly happy and at ease in our lives. I hope you'll continue to experiment
with the mindfulness practices presented
discover new
worlds of pleasure, abundance, and gratitude all of which are lying
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