"No matter what, your baby is going to be okay," combination of formula - feeding and breastfeeding's would help alleviate whatever struggles you are facing and come up with a plan to do that. But, but, but - and this is a big but - sleep is so critical to your mental well - being do everything we can to try to help you get more of it. So I'll do my part if you will do yours. You in? Research new mom's group and meet - up's so you have immediate support and a plan to get out of the house on a regular basis. "it can help to be the only one feeding the baby," If you are planning to breastfeed, attend any classes offered. "Millions of babies are raised on formula," If you find that reading this book, talking things through with goods friends, and / or employing some techniques for self - care help you manage difficult feeling, great. "This is a time when you call your community," Yes, we can do things in pregnancy that are proven to be good for our children's health - like taking folic acid and avoiding cigarettes and excessive alcohol. "What you eat, how you behave, it's all on you." Best recommends taking a break from anxious thoughts by doing activities that involve coordination of your body and mind, such as: Crossword puzzles, Painting, Adult coloring books, Sudoku, Cooking from a recipe, Yoga, Walking with a friend, Gardening, Meditation, Mindfulness exercises. "How would you offer her support?" Women were randomly assigned a doula when they checked into the hospital, while other women gave birth without one. How do I manage pain? Do I use medication to manage pain usually? Do I avoid medication as much as possible? Asking for help gets a bad rap. Some of us think it makes us weak. Others worry they are imposing and don't want to be a bother. Still others don't like other folks up in their business. I get all of that. So let's not call this asking for help. Let's assume that the evolutionary biologist know what they are talking about when they affirm that alloparents were essential for the survival and development of the human species. Think of all the things suggested in this chapter as nurturing your community, deepening your connections, fostering your friendships, and building your village, one that will not only strengthen you and your family but your whole community, and, dare I say it, the world? Change the sheets. Run to the store and pick up X,Y, and Z. Find new mom's / parent's groups in your area. Make freezer meals in your third trimester, so you have something quick to heat up and eat in the early weeks. "How Can I Help?" Bring a meal when you come over. Do a quick cleanup of the kitchen. People get excited about babies. Remember how they couldn't stop touching your belly or asking your due date? They just want to be a part of it! And guess what? After delivery is a time when they truly can be. Yay? So remember that when people say, "What can I do?" Find at least one person other than your spouse to whom you can go to any time of day or night for anything. I would also highly recommend finding one (or several) nurses to talk about anything, both medically and personally. "first sign of trouble," The sooner you address any issues, the less serious they will become. "Take advantage of the free help you get in the hospital as much as you can," Once you start to show, the world knows you're pregnant and the world wants to talk about it. It's like the fact that another person is growing inside you gives every person on the planet permission to say anything and everything that comes into their head. Or to even reach out and touch your belly, something they would never think to do if you were not pregnant. "Better get your sleep now. It's your last chance!" Avoid medication or other interventions during birth stay away from "tertiary care centers with very high C-section rates" and look for centers that have pain - reliving elements such as warm showers in place. "This may be our first lesson in how little is under our control when it comes to parenting,"


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Dear: Shawn McKay (J.R.)